Tijd nemen voor elkaar. Now we are taking time for each other, calling and listening, encouraging each other and paying attention. This we must not forget.
Hoestschaamte /Vergogna per la tosse / Cough shame
These days we are ashamed when we cough. In many ways these new habits make me think of ancient times.
These days we realize how important contact with each other is. We must not stop our efforts to contact each other, by whastapp, by phone, by skype, by e-mail and in real life.
We learn to be patient these days, we must keep this for the future, think twice before you act.
People who have grown-up in severe circumstances sometimes have fears nobody understands. But now we all have learned what fear is.
Koekjespost/Posta con biscotto/Cookie mail
During these pandemic times we sent each other home made cookies in small tins by regular mail service.
Samenwerken /Collaborare/To collaborate
We see people work together to solve the problems. We must keep this spirit of collaboration.